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Nominations to the Wallumni Steering Committee

13 december 2017
På Gång
A few years ago the Wallumni network established a Steering Committee that, in collaboration with the Anders Wall Foundation, organizes meetings, events and study trips, works on the development of the network and facilitates contacts between the Foundation and the network. In the beginning of 2018 the Steering Committee appoints new representatives for a period of May 2018 – April 2020 in the following categories: SSE Riga, Rural Development, Chambers of Commerce and Uppsala Scholarships.
Today the Steering Committee consists of eight representatives, one each from the different Anders Wall scholarship categories:
Rural Development – Kenneth Alness
Chambers of Commerce – Anna Lundin
Music Scholarships – Paulina Pfeiffer
SSE Riga – Avo Kaasik
Hanken Helsinki – Thomas Perret
Young Entrepreneurs – Jonathan Nordin
Young Scientists – Ankie Wernolf
Uppsala Scholarships – Niklas Berntorp
The Steering Committee meets 2-3 times per semester, usually in Stockholm. It is possible to participate via Skype/video, if you can't be there in person. Every representative is supposed to be responsible for one of the yearly Wallumni events, in collaboration with the Anders Wall Foundation. The representatives are appointed for two years, with half the Committee being replaced each year.
Would you like to be a member of the Committee? Please, notify your interest by January 8, 2018, through email to Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den., including your contact info and a few words on why you would like to be a Wallumni representative. You may also nominate someone else you find suitable from your scholarship category.
For more information on Wallumni, the Steering Committee and what it means to be a representative, please contact Chairman Niklas Berntorp (Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den., tel. +46 70-7143143) or any other Committee member. Welcome with your application!